Rameno Kreon Baces

Precise measuring arm Baces

Kreon Baces is a three-dimensional measuring arm, convenient in use whether for touch-probing or with the non-contact Kreon laser scanners like Solano, Solano Blue, Zephyr II and Zephyr II Blue.


Kreon Baces measuring arm has an internal calibration secured by a mechanical architecture based on aluminnium- and carbon-fiber materials, which make its structure extremly light and stable.

Baces 6 a 7

Rameno Kreon Baces

With the 6-axis arm, point data acquisition and software commands are managed by a 3-button probe or by a foot pedal.


Serie 100 a 200

Rameno Kreon Baces

Series 100 is made with a carbon tube and offers high accuracy while series 200 is made with an aluminium tube combining lower price and performance.

Ikona Polygonia

Kompatibilní se software Metrolog

Ikona skener

Kreon scanner extension possibility


Wide range of uses

Rameno Kreon Baces

Bacis arm size

To better serve customer, Kreon has developted a range o 6- and 7-axis Baces arm from 2.6 m to 4.6 m working volume.

When choosing the best Baces portable CMM for your application, a combination of working volume and accuracy should be considered.

M: 2.6 m,   G: 3.2 m,   XG: 4.2 m,   XL: 4.6 m

For more information please contact our dealer